This information shows various facilities taken from the Church of the Ascension, Burghclere.
Use the tabs at the top to navigate between different facilities.
The teardrop symbol will display a map. The car will drive you to the venue using waze. The 'world' symbol takes you to the venue's website where you can gather all the information you need about your visit.
Burghclere Parish Council
Who Are We
The Parish Council has eight members, who are currently:
Alex Patrick-Smith - Parish Council Chairman and Vice Chairman of Pinder Recreation Trust, Member of Planning Working Group and Staffing Working Group. Representative on Earlstone Common Management Committee
Andrew Crowley - Parish Council Vice-Chairman and Chairman of Pinder Recreation Trust, Member of the Finance Working Group.
Ian Collins - Parish Council Representative on Sports Club Committee and Earlstone Common Management Committee.
Geoff Morton - Tree Officer, Member of Finance Working Group. Parish Council Representative on Earlstone Common Management Committee
Sandra Whiting - Member of Finance and Planning Working Groups, Member of Staffing Working Group, Defibrillator monitoring
Julian Parkes - Member of the Planning Working Group and Staffing Working Group. Roads.
Amanda Harvey - Footpaths and Playground Monitoring
Vacancy -
Additional Information and completed register of interest forms can be found on Basingstoke & Deane's website - here.
Other Contacts:
​ 07712 695468 01635 254400
​ 020 7219 5605
Parish Council Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer - Jacqui Letsome