This information shows various facilities taken from the Church of the Ascension, Burghclere.
Use the tabs at the top to navigate between different facilities.
The teardrop symbol will display a map. The car will drive you to the venue using waze. The 'world' symbol takes you to the venue's website where you can gather all the information you need about your visit.
Burghclere Parish Council
Local footpaths

Hampshire Countryside Service manages around 4,500 miles of public footpaths, bridleways and byways, which are maintained locally by teams who work in conjunction with landowners to keep vegetation under control and ensure that paths are kept clear.
As a parish council, we work in conjunction with HCC's Countryside Service team to ensure that footpaths and signposts are well maintained. We support a country-wide initiative to convert old stiles to easy access gates and are working alongside landowners to implement this where possible.
For those who wish to walk the extensive footpaths and bridleways that criss-cross the parish, please check the excellent map resource and click on the green button saying 'Report a problem on Right of Way' which will bring up the footpath map. Clicking on any trail will give you more information about its status and condition. Note also that it describes its designation. For example, the railway line is in 4 segments: 040/503/1 to 4. It is a footpath, which means neither cyclists nor motorcyclists may use it.
Digital Ordnance Survey (OS) maps can be found at: https://footpathmaps.com
The Definitive Map and Statement is kept under constant review by the map team in Winchester.
Note the Ramblers Association ‘Don’t Lose Your Way’ project.
All those who use the countryside are strongly encouraged to follow the Countryside Code respecting nature, landowners and fellow visitors whether on foot, bicycles or in vehicles.
Volunteers. From time to time volunteers are needed to carry out work on the parish footpath network. If you’d like to help please contact clerk@burghclerepc.com