This information shows various facilities taken from the Church of the Ascension, Burghclere.
Use the tabs at the top to navigate between different facilities.
The teardrop symbol will display a map. The car will drive you to the venue using waze. The 'world' symbol takes you to the venue's website where you can gather all the information you need about your visit.
Burghclere Parish Council
Police contact information
If you'd like to make your local PCSO aware of something in your area, ask them a question, request some crime prevention advice, invite them to an community engagement or just arrange to meet them. The best way to contact them is via e-mail as they all work different shifts. For Burghclere, contacts at Basingstoke Rural (based at Tadley) are:
PCSO 18808 Venn - (
The above are supported by Sgt’s, PC’s (including many new students) and Special PC’s (volunteers) across our Neighbourhood and Response and Patrol teams.
Please DON’T report crimes via e-mail!!
When you find yourself in need of contacting the Police, do you know the best way to get in touch?
999 should only be used in emergency situations; when a life is in danger or a crime is happening right now.
To speak to the police about anything else, you should call 101 or contact us online. Below are some useful links:
To report a crime
To report ASB
Community Safety Team (
Other Links include:
Hampshire Alert –