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2023-Regulation 19-'made' Plan

The Independent Examiner, Ms Janet Cheesley commenced her examination on 23 February 2023 and completed it on 10 March sending it for checking to the parish council and B&DBC.  After making a couple of observations on factual matters, which were accepted, the Independent Examiner published her report on 27 March.

Final Plan

At the parish council meeting on 3 April 2023, the PC as Qualifying Body accepted the Examiner's Report and informed B&DBC.  It also agreed to extend the 56 day statutory deadline that the Council is given to make the Plan, due to the the purdah period ahead of the local elections on 4 May.  Amendments were made to the final Neighbourhood Plan and submitted to B&DBC. 


Internal checking took and the Portfolio Holder was satisfied that all the documentation is correct.  In accordance with Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, the proposed modifications were accepted by the borough council.  The relevant paperwork was distributed and is available at the Portal Hall, Church of Ascension and Sports Club - copies can be accessed below:

Regulation 19 - The 'made' Plan

On 18 May 2023, the borough council made (adopted) the NP (Regulation 19).  The Regulation 19 Decision Notice is below with links to the associated documents, which can also be found on this website.





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